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Tell me more about your mission?

We are working through East-West Ministries in the Western Mediterranean to help engage, evangelize and empower local believers in the region to go and transform their communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We, along with our regional teams, are praying for God to shift this geographically strategic region from “receiving” to “sending” laborers back into His harvest field of unreached people in North Africa and Europe. Due to security concerns of working in this area of the world, we cannot use our full names on public websites.

What are some victories I can celebrate with you?

After our quick move in the fall of 2020, we have made several local friends - from a kabab shop owner with four wives, to a younger man who recently became a believer and now reads with P weekly.

What are some of the challenges you face?

Adjustment to a new culture, a new language, and all of the complications of doing that in a world-wide pandemic.

How can I pray for you?

Please pray for revival in the region we serve, unity among believers on our team, and our marriage.

Where can I learn more?

Cedarbrook Community Church

23700 Stringtown Road

Clarksburg, Maryland


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©2017-2024 Cedarbrook Community Church

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