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Tell me more about your mission?

Our mission is to equip and empower the church to strengthen the quality of life of disadvantaged rural people and vulnerable children by cultivating hope for the future, where self-reliance among the communities is obtained through the support from CHO’s income generating projects.

What are some victories I can celebrate with you?

Being able to provide health training and relief packages for and seeing the blessings is a victory that we would like for you to celebrate with us. We also would like for you to celebrate the 12 people who offered their lives to God.

What are some of the challenges you face?

The Corona pandemic is one of the biggest challenges that we are facing now because we are not able to do our normal work. Keeping the church pastors, leaders and members motivated is very challenging. They not only struggle with meeting their physical needs, but emotional and spiritual as well. Another challenge is providing training to the community. Although we cannot meet in groups, we can do house visits - but it takes longer to reach everyone. And we must keep in mind the safety of the staff and the people they come in contact with at the same time.

How can I pray for you?

  • Please pray that we will continue to have funding to help support the poor people with some more covid relief packages. 

  • Please pray that our leaders and pastors continue to be encouraged and motivated. 

  • Please pray that we all stay healthy. 

  • Please pray that God provides us with wisdom on how to help and lead his people.

How can I support you?

We would love for Cedarbrook to continue to help support the health project because it is really needed, especially during times like these.

If possible, we would like to have more teams from Cedarbrook church to come and help us here with our ministry in the community.

We need skilled people to come and train our staff in areas of computers, English, pastor training, as well as doctors or nurses to come and work alongside our staff.

Where can I learn more?

You can go to our website at to learn more about us. but the website is not updated yet because we don't have anyone with the skills to help out with that.

Cedarbrook Community Church

23700 Stringtown Road

Clarksburg, Maryland


  • Cedarbrook's Facebook Page Link
  • Cedarbrook's Instagram Link
  • Cedarbrook's YouTube Channel
  • Cedarbrook's X Link

©2017-2024 Cedarbrook Community Church

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