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Tell me more about your mission?

Our focus is to reach coaches and athletes for Christ. I serve coaches and athletes mostly in Kedah state. I have a focus on reaching the “state less “ people. (Rohingya)

What are some victories I can celebrate with you?

The Rohingya people are refugees. We have been able to provide food for them. We have has some conversations about our faith with 1 athlete. We have translated some resources to help our ministry.

What are some of the challenges you face?

COVID has had us locked down a lot and many are fearful. I have not yet developed a board. I need more volunteers.

How can I pray for you?

Pray for more people to Pray, Give, Go to Malaysia. Pray for wisdom as we meet potential staff in SEA that we would clearly discern their calling. Pray for my effort to reach the Rohingya people.

How can I support you?

You can support by engaging in our 3 main methods of engagement: Pray, Give, Go. Pray: Message me for the options. Give: Go: message me for ways to connect via zoom or visit a country.

Where can I learn more?

I would be happy to meet with you one on one to help you learn more and answer any questions.  You can email me at to get our monthly newsletter to stay up on current opportunities.

Cedarbrook Community Church

23700 Stringtown Road

Clarksburg, Maryland


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©2017-2024 Cedarbrook Community Church

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